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Riding the Cosmic Waves of Crypto

Welcome, cosmic adventurers, to the dawn of a new era in the Solana galaxy with Silver Surfer Solana! Just like our interstellar herald, Silver Surfer, who rides the charts on his trusty board, our token is here to navigate the thrilling waves of the crypto universe. In a world brimming with uncertainty and, let's face it, a few too many villainous tokens, Silver Surfer Solana stands as a beacon of trust and longevity. We're not just another flash-in-the-pan token; we're here for the long haul, ready to ride through bull runs, bear markets, and everything in between.

In collaboration with our trusted partners.

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Airdrop Meter

Target Market Cap ATH: 10m

Hold a minimum of 1000 $SSS Tokens to receive airdrop!

3d illustration global transaction solana crypto coin

Our supply is locked!

3d illustration, solana crypto coin with privacy key address

Tap to verify

14% Every 30 days & relocked

Surf's up! At Silver Surfer Solana, we're all about keeping your ride smooth and secure. That's why we've locked away a significant portion of our supply into our pinklock vault. This isn't just any lockup; it's our commitment to the utility and long-term stability you can see reflected in our tokenomics below.

Why Lock Things Down?

Just like a surfer who measures the tides, we've vested these tokens to ensure they're used judiciously—supporting our platform's growth and rewarding our awesome community. It’s all part of our strategy to maintain a healthy ecosystem.

20% in Safe Hands

Currently, 20% of our tokens are safely tucked away in a seperate multi-sig custody. Why? Because we're gearing up for some epic waves! This reserve is partly for securing our imminent spot on top-tier CEX platforms and partly for fueling our forthcoming airdrops and community rewards. It’s our stash of wax for the board, ensuring every ride is a smooth one.

Continuous Security

Once we utilize the initial allocation for our planned utility, don't worry—any surplus isn't just left hanging ten. We'll relock excess tokens to keep our ecosystem robust and your investments secure. Just like a diligent lifeguard, we're always watching over to ensure safety first.

Catch the Next Wave with Us!

Stay tuned and keep your surfing gear ready. With Silver Surfer Solana, your crypto journey is all about catching the best waves with maximum security. Dive into our tokenomics to see how we plan to keep riding the blockchain waves, ensuring a thrilling yet secure experience for everyone involved.

Multi Sig: 6hJgTUtrMykHYYunKUWZVt3c3BNTBMk2pJko2C9Bnu8s

Our Ecosystem

Developing a Meme x Defi x RWA Protocol!

TG Sniper Bot

AI Chatbot 3D Illustration

Solana Nodes


Dapp Swap

Dapp Stake/Farming

3d rendering of ethereum crypto coin with vault

$SSS Game

Pixel Video Game

Waveriders RWA store

at 50M MC

Store Building
coming soon mark stamp
coming soon mark stamp
coming soon mark stamp
coming soon mark stamp
Straight Line Arrow
Straight Line Arrow
Arrow Line Icon

Buy $SSS

Arrow Line Icon
arrow thin line hand-drawn
arrow thin line hand-drawn

Dapp staking rewards

Burn $SSS

Dotted arrow. Dashed line arrow.
Dotted arrow. Dashed line arrow.
Print Money 3D Icon
Dollar money cash burn in fire

How to Win!

1.BUY & Hold $SSS.

Buy on pinksale launchpad or SOL DEX.

Hold and ride the bears and bulls with us!

Get Identified as a holder during snapshot.

2.Receive Token & nft airdrops!

All Holders receive airdrops!

Complete community building challenges and side quest.

Random top holders and Best community members receive rare NFT’s.

3. Nft Prizes.

More NFT’s airdropped each phase with exclusie utility & rewards .

Airdrops bonus x1 - x3, holidays, random token airdrops, alternate whitelist prizes,

surfboards + more unique prizes come with NFT’s.

Stake & earn with tokens + NFT’s on our forthcoming Dapp.


Governance: Steering the Silver Board

In the vast expanse of the crypto universe, where trust is as rare as a friendly Skrull, Silver Surfer Solana stands out. We're implementing multi-sig wallets, ensuring no single entity controls the cosmic reins. Our liquidity pool tokens will be burned faster than you can say "Galactus is hungry," and our contract address is already revoked, our token will truly belong to the cosmos - decentralized, secure, and free.

Our Ethos: For the Long Cosmic Ride

Silver Surfer Solana isn't about the quick buck. We're here to ride the waves of the market, through ups and downs, bull runs, buy backs, burns and bear hibernations. Our tokenomics aren't just a fancy trick; they're designed to ensure that Silver Surfer Solana not only survives but thrives over time. We're in it for the long ride, ready to explore the universe of possibilities, one wave at a time.


Join the galactic journey

So, whether you're a seasoned crypto traveler or just launching your first rocket into the financial cosmos, Silver Surfer Solana invites you to join our journey. With a token built on trust, security, and a dash of cosmic adventure, we're set to explore the vast opportunities of the blockchain universe together. Come, ride the waves with us, and let's see how far this silver board can take us!


The Wave Rider at Work

The Silver Surfer's Arsenal:

  1. Total Supply: 1 billion tokens
    • Just like the infinite cosmos, our supply is vast but thoughtfully finite, ensuring ample room for growth and value.
  2. Decimals: 10
    • Laser precision is key in the universe, whether you're navigating black holes or token transactions.



3d illustration, solana crypto coin sack


Community Rewards: Surfing the Gamma Rays of Appreciation

Our community stands as the bedrock of our odyssey. It's you, the fearless and dedicated, who power the board beneath our feet, and we believe in celebrating this mighty fellowship with a cornucopia of rewards that would make Galactus envious (without the whole planet-eating ordeal, of course).

Buy Backs and Burns: The Galactic Bonfire

Imagine a cosmic bonfire, where instead of logs, we toss in surplus tokens, igniting a spectacle that adds value to every holder in our constellation. Our buyback and burn policy isn't just a ritual; it's our way of ensuring that your journey with us is as rewarding as discovering a new galaxy. Each burn brightens the value of the tokens you hold, a testament to our commitment to the community's prosperity.

Staking: Your Ticket to the Cosmic Lounge

As per our roadmap you will be able to stake your tokens in & NFT in our dApp and kick back in the Cosmic Lounge, where the rewards flow as freely as the space-time continuum. Here, your tokens work for you, earning rewards while you plot your next adventure across the cosmos. It's like having a passive income stream, powered by the very essence of the universe!

Community Challenges: The Interstellar Olympics

Why traverse the cosmos alone when you can join the Interstellar Olympics? Our community challenges are the perfect opportunity to showcase your skills, engage with fellow spacefarers, broadcast our vision to the universe and earn rewards that are out of this world. These challenges are the gravitational forces that bind us, creating a community as cohesive as the Milky Way.

NFT Airdrops: The Celestial Art Gallery

Our NFTs aren't just digital art; they're cosmic masterpieces, tokens of our appreciation for your commitment to our journey. These NFTs, each a unique piece of the Silver Surfer Solana saga, will be airdropped to our most stellar community members. Whether you're a challenge victor, a dedicated holder, or just an all-around intergalactic good sport, you might find one of these treasures landing in your wallet.

Hold and stake an NFT, and watch as it amplifies your rewards, a true symbiosis of art and utility. These NFTs are more than collectibles; they're your VIP pass to additional airdrops, enhancing your bounty as we sail through the crypto cosmos.

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The Future:

Uncharted Territories Await

As Silver Surfer Solana carves its path through the stars, our commitment to rewarding our community will evolve, unveiling new and exciting ways to enrich your journey with us. Our mission is to create a universe where each member feels valued, engaged, and eager to see what lies beyond the next nebula.

So, dear cosmic comrades, strap on your boards and ready your wallets, for the Silver Surfer Solana adventure is one of shared prosperity, thrilling rewards, and a community that shines brighter than the Andromeda Galaxy. Together, we'll ride the blockchain waves, not just as token holders, but as pioneers of a movement that values every participant's contribution to our shared odyssey.


Phase 1: Genesis Wave (Create)

  • Presale Marketing: Unleashing a wave of marketing prowess to herald our arrival.
  • Presale Competition: Engage in thrilling challenges and earn your spot among the stars.
  • Silver Audit: Ensuring our code is as solid as Silver Surfer's board.
  • Website Development: Crafting our digital home in the cosmos.
  • CA Revoked: Renouncing control to set our token free in the cosmic winds.
  • Token Deployment: Launching our token into the blockchain ether.
  • Community Building: Gathering a legion of adventurers, ready to surf the crypto waves.

Phase 2: Galactic Shield (Secure)

  • Certik Audit: Fortifying our code with the might of Certik, stronger than the force fields of Galactus.
  • Token Launch: Blasting off into the crypto market with stellar momentum.
  • LP Tokens Burned: Ensuring our liquidity pool is as stable as the foundations of Asgard.
  • Instant Token Burn: Sending 5.3% of our tokens into the black hole, enhancing scarcity and value.
  • Buy Backs & Airdrops Begin: Rewarding our loyal voyagers with treasures from across the universe.

Phase 3: Cosmic Bounty (Reward & Develop)

  • Marketing Push: Broadcasting our message across the galaxies, attracting beings from all corners of space.
  • CoinGecko Listing: Like the Silver Surfer catching cosmic waves, we're aiming to ride the data-rich tides of CoinGecko, ensuring our token's visibility in one of the galaxy's most comprehensive cryptocurrency trackers.
  • Continued Buy Backs and Burns: Balancing the cosmic scales, we enhance our token's value.
  • DApp Development & Staking: Crafting realms where you can stake your claim and reap the rewards.
  • Community Recognition: Identifying the heroes among us - top holders, challenge conquerors, and galactic good-doers.
  • NFT Minting and Airdrops: Bestowing unique cosmic artifacts to our community, each NFT a piece of our shared journey.
  • Bonus Airdrop Magic: Amplifying rewards with NFT-powered bonuses, because in our universe, generosity knows no bounds.

Phase 4 and Beyond: Infinity Quest (Expand & Innovate)

  • Second Wave of NFT Drops: Unleashing another array of digital collectibles, each with its own story.
  • CEX Listings: We're not just hovering in the decentralized cosmos; we're also docking at major Centralized Exchanges (CEXs). Think of it as the Silver Surfer dropping by the intergalactic stations, making it easier for every cosmic traveler to trade and engage with our token.
  • CoinMarketCap Listing: Next stop, CoinMarketCap! We're set to mark our territory on this star map of crypto, helping investors across the universe track Silver Surfer Solana's journey through market caps and trading volumes.
  • Endless Airdrops, Buy Backs, and Burns: Continuing our commitment to community rewards and token value enhancement.
  • DeFi Expansion: Venturing into new realms of decentralized finance, expanding our ecosystem's horizons.
  • Community Protocol Votes: Empowering our community to steer the ship, deciding on future developments and directions.
  • Uncharted Innovations: Exploring unique ideas, continually evolving, because our journey is boundless, much like the universe itself.
  • Marketing & Value Drive: Propelling our token to new heights, driven by community and innovation, ensuring our place among the stars is secure and celebrated.

Make sure you join our socials below!

Post launch: Swap for Solana on Raydium.

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Business Enquiries:

CA: 4V2Yvav9XF5gP4HmZBWwFDS6RFXeHydzMdr8DuqMKWLg

Multi Sig: 6hJgTUtrMykHYYunKUWZVt3c3BNTBMk2pJko2C9Bnu8s